Sunday 27 April 2014

Traveling, Delayed

I am map, spread flat against the world
too brittle to be rolled up without crinkles;
bending unkindly, paper burning,
fevered, my travels delayed by frailty,
that thin tissue of the human condition--

I burst.


Half Poem

I found this half-finished poem among my documents.

When will we walk the mountains,
stride the plains in brisk and steady rhythm,
hum as we cross borders, break the trails,

And what? I will never know! My train of thought has no end station; it is a frustrating, ghostly ride, a neverending journey that simply passes station after station after station. I am a rusting machine, grinding slowly to a stop, and I have a hard time completing my



I see the dark inside you pressing to get out,
the gray dusk you push back with black kohl around your eyes
it lies.
you are more than the shades you have invited in,
more than the valleys you have wandered 
forget not
this truth
and the dark will flicker out


Saturday 26 April 2014


My world is quiet now,
head filled with nonsense and cotton wool
I slow, stilling further,
feel keenly this war within--
one must die that the other may live,
and I know this dance of Death, 
throat slit from the inside.
I succumb to silence.
